Top Five Facility Considerations to Make Before Investing in Solar

telling about solar investment

The financial and sustainability benefits of solar have made it a popular investment among businesses of all types and sizes. If your company is starting to investigate the possibility of rooftop solar, there are some important facility-related considerations your solar developer will help you evaluate right away:

1. Roof Condition

For roof mounted solar arrays, the condition of the roof is one of the most important factors in when to go solar. Not all systems are the same, but the PV systems that Infisol Energy provides are designed to be 30-year systems. The ROI for a system can be greatly affected if the facility’s roof would need to be replaced at an early stage of that lifespan.

If your facility’s roof is in poor condition, there are some actions that can be taken to account for this. One option would be replacing the roofing altogether, which works well with a brand-new solar system. It is a great opportunity to freshen up the roof system and confirm warranty continuation. Another option could be replacing only the section of roofing just beneath the solar array, which would reduce the initial investment.